Azdev İç ve Dış Ticaret Limited Şirketi, which was established at the beginning of 2022, provides solutions and supplies to your needs in the fields of plastic packaging, paper and informatics.

      Azdev İç ve Dış Ticaret Limited Şirketi, which aims for outward-oriented and continuous development, sees both its domestic and international customers as partners of the company, and acts with a service understanding first.

     Our company; It is based on quality, reasonable price and service on the basis of trust, was established to meet these needs in the most accurate and high quality way, and continues its work with great determination.


- Mission

- Vision

About us

Company information

         To produce instant and fast solutions to the demands with the right and quality service understanding that prioritizes customer satisfaction,

    Adhering to our core values ​​of loyalty, honesty, transparency, teamwork and creativity, being the first solution address in the minds of our customers and creating a lasting unity,

     Adhering to universal ethical rules and professional standards,

     We dream of a bright tomorrow in which our company is an internationally prestigious leading brand.